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Here are all known faculty members. If you
taught at the American School, we'd like to know where you are. Please provide as
much information as possible. Send information to Webmaster.

Here are the names of all American School Alumni received to
date. Please tell all of your alumni friends that we are here. Send your
information to Webmaster. |
Crisóstomo |
'91 |
carloscr@netup.cl |
Chile |
Delgado |
'74 |
Carlos_Delgado@oz.ped.emory.edu |
Atlanta,Ga |
Duke, Carlos R. |
'86 |
KTRACHO@aol.com |
Fort Worth, Texas |
Jessica Edgerton |
'93 |
edgerton@ibw.com.ni |
Managua, Nicaragua |
Carlos E. Galindo |
carlosgalin@msn.com |
Medellin, Colombia |
Garces, Laura Ysela |
'71 |
LSamm19421@aol.com |
Villarreal, Christian Hasbun |
chasbun@academ02.sal.itesm.mx |
Saltillo, Mexico |
Rick Hinojosa |
'72 |
rlhinojosa@aol.com |
Message: 34 Marsh Lane, Oxford AL 36203
(256) 831-5354 |
Cordelia Lagos-Baffic |
'76 |
acosta@xrt.upenn.edu |
159 Snyder Lane
Springfield, PA l9064
215/662-3694 Work |
Stanley Marrder |
stan@marrder.com |
Houston, TX |
John R. McLean |
mcleandc@texas.net |
700 County Road 370, Jarrell, Texas, 76537. (512)
746-5205 |
Amy (Hammons) Myers |
abnmyers@flinthills.com |
Manhattan, KS |
David Okerlund |
'69 |
dokerlun@idpr.state.id.us |
3583 West State Street
Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 939-5149 |
Tom Shaw |
'73 |
marbsfox2@aol.com |
16117 Lofty Trail Dr. San Diego, CA 92127, or call
me: (619) 618-1205 |
Rick Shaw |
'73 |
Bruce Stirling |
'69 |
bruce@stirlinglaw.com |
33 West Willetta St.
Phoenix AZ 85003; 602-254-6638 |
Mercy Stirling,
(Dueñas) |
'69 |
mduenas@infosel.net.mx |
Guadalajara, México |
Penny Stirling (Johnson) |
'66 |
pennycj@goodnet.com |
Tucson, Arizona (520) 747-3515 |
Robin Stirling (Kottabi) |
'68 |
xanom@flash.net |
Arizona (520) 795-9595 |
Scot Stirling |
'71 |
scotstirling@cox.net |
Phoenix, Arizona;
602-996-3650 |
Terry Strombeck |
'74 |
Julesrimet@aol.com |
Tulsa, Oklahoma (918)
743-6739 |
Sandy Geisewite Watson |
sandyal@flash.net |
Peter Wung |
'79 |
WungP@emotors.com |

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