Constructivism Summary
Discussion Questions
does CTGV's work relate to constructivism?
The teacher gives
a classroom of 20 students some guidelines. After that the students are on their own on
exploring the subject. Is this an example of constructivism setting? Why/ Why not? What
are the best settings for constructivists? How can you relate that to CMC?
What about
students? How do they react to a constructivist environment?
In the context of
these discussions, I would be interested in how you perceive that delicate balance between
the leader and the led in these discussions. Would you have liked more direction from me?
Would you have wanted my 2 cents worth? Or were you quite comfortable with the leadership
of the moderators?
Online Resources
Anchored Instruction (John Bransford & the CTGV)
Cognitive Flexibility Theory (R. Spiro, P. Feltovitch & R. Coulson)
Jonassen, D. H. (1994). Thinking technology: Toward a constructivist design model. Online resource at
The above reference may not work as may need to first go to and then work your way to nato_asi/dhj.txt.gz
Klemm, W.R., & Snell, J.R. (1996). Enriching Computer-Mediated Group Learning by coupling Constructivism with Collaborative Learning.
Matusevich, M. (1995). School Reform: What Role can Technology Play in a Constructivist Setting?
President's Statement: Cognitive Studies for Educational Practice
The "Scientists in Action" Project A video-based science problem solving program
Wilson, B., Teslow, J., & Osman-Jouchoux, R. (1995). The impact of constructivism (and Postmodernism) on ID fundamentals. In B. B. Seels (Ed.), Instructional Design Fundamentals: A Review and Reconsideration (pp. 137-157). Englewood Cliffs NJ: Educational Technology Publications.
Bailey, D. H. (1996). Constructivism and Multimedia: Theory and application; innovation and transformation. International Journal of Instructional Media, 23 (2), 161-165.
Barrons, L. C., & Goldman, E. S. (1994). Integrating technology with teacher preparation. In B. Means (Ed.), Technology and Education Reform (pp.81-110). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Bransford, J. D., & Vye, N. J. (1989). A perspective on cognitive research and its implications for instruction. In L. B. Resnick & L. E. Klopfer (Eds), Toward the Thinking Curriculum: Current Cognitive Research (pp.173-205). Washington DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Brooks, J. G., & Rooks, M. G. (1993). The case for constructivist classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Carr, A.A., Jonassen, D.H., Litzinger, M.E., & Marra, R.M. (1997). Good ideas to foment educational revolution: The role of systemic change in advanced situated learning, constructivism and feminist pedagogy. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, Albuquerque: NM.
Fosnot, C. T. (1996). Constructivism: Theory, perspectives and practice. New York: Teachers College Press.
Hoey, R. (Ed.) (1996). Constructivism: Theory, perspectives and practice. New York: Teachers College Press.
Garmer, A. K., & Firestone, C. M. (1996). Creating a learning society: Initiatives for education and technology. Washington: The Aspen Institute.
Garrison, D.R. (1993). A Cognitive Constructivist View of Distance Education: An Analysis of Teaching-Learning Assumptions. Distance Education, 14(2), 199-211.
Kember, D. (1994). The Teacher is more important than the medium: Pre-Packaged instructional materials are not axiomatic with surface learning. Distance Education, 15(1), 153-159.
Lebow, D. (1993). Constructivist values for instructional systems design: Five principles toward a new mindset. Educational Technology Research and Development, 40(3), 4 - 15.
Steffe, Leslie P. & Gale, Jerry. (1995). Constructivism in Education. Ed. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Tuckey, C.J. (1993). Computer conferencing and the electronic white board in the United Kingdom: A comparative analysis. The American Journal of Distance Education, 7(2), 58-72.
Volker, R. (1992). Application of constructivist theory to the use of hypermedia. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 348 037)
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