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50th Anniversary Celebration - Rio - 1987
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In June 1987, already ten years ago, many former EA students and teachers gathered in Rio to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Escola Americana, hoping we had " . . . never been forgotten, though we wandered far away." Returning to Rio with my sisters, Robin and Mercy, and my brother, Scot, will always be remembered as one of my life's "highlights" (video coming soon!). I took my video camera everywhere, and now, thanks to Intel's Smart Video, I can capture frames and make them available to all of us.

Dr. Brown Greets alumni at 50th Anniversary at EA - James Connell of Class of '62 looking on.  Ooops!  The photo above is from EA 2000, not 1987.  The original photo had the same name and was copied over when the EA 2000 material was added.  I'll have to find the original . . . . mea culpa.

View of the cafeteria from upper school level, with futebol field beyond.  People on balcony are eating a hot lunch (feijão com arroz) and talking about old times.

Mercy Stirling (Duenas) ('69) telling Abaetê Valverde ('65) that his high school girlfriend, Julie Burnette ('65) wanted him to send her a video greeting.  Notice how James Connell ('62) worked his way into this shot.

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Cabral was there to greet everyone, too!  Here he is sending "um abraço" to everyone.  The red and blue background is the counter area of Cabral's new expanded operation.  It brought back saudades of eating Kibons after school.  I walked from Lême to Leblon, stopping to eat at every Kibon cart I found!  Cabral is now retired from the school.

More Photographs of 50th Anniversary!

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