School News
the Reunions and Fun Begin!
Reunion of
Classes 1965-1970
The Biltmore
Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida will host the July 11 - 13, 2003 reunion of the
the EA Classes of 1965 through 1970. Sponsored by the Classes of 1967 and
1968, the fun begins Friday night, July 11, 2003. See the Alumni Email
List link above for more information.
EA 2000
12 -- Several classes announced reunions this year. The
Classes of 1965, 1969, 1979, and 1985-90 are all set to matar
those saudades when they get back together in Orlando, Florida,
Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Rio de Janeiro. The Class of
1965 is a "members only" party and we don't even know
where it is. Ask Kenny Mertz, who is listed under the Class
of 1965 under "Alumni." We all wish we were at
each of them! For more information, please go to the
"Reunion" page listed on the index above.
Wait Is Over -- Official EA Website is Online!
2, 1998 - Kenny Mertz, President/Secretary
of the Class of 1965, wrote on September 1, 1998, that the
official Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro website was up on the
web. The URL is: http://www.earj.com.br
On our first
attempt to access the page, Netscape responded with an error
message that the URL could not be found. However, that is
somewhat normal when the server is located in Brazil.
Things get busy on the Internet, and bottlenecks occur.
When we tried again today, the page appeared without any
problem. Later in the day we learned the website is still
being fine tuned, and that we weren't supposed to know about it
for another two weeks. Sorry for spoiling the surprise.
The website has
a history section with pictures of the original school, which was
located in Ipanema, not Leblon, as reported here on the Alumni
webpage. Our information was derived from the 1962 Carioca,
which had a picture of the old Leblon school and the dates
1937-1962. Very misleading. . . . April
Stirling, Class of 1965, reported to us long ago that the school
actually started in an old house. We agreed and suggested
the old house was the Leblon school before the additions to
it. We stand corrected. What to do? We
don't want to rip off the official page's photo, so we'll leave
it like it is for now.
There is also a
"Velha Guarda" section, which highlights some of your
favorite teachers over the years. There are photos of
the original EA teachers and staff, too. Please check it
Tribute To Hank Font's Son - Howie Font
5, 1998 - Howie Font is the late son of Hank Font, a member of
the Class of 1956. Howie, the father of two beautiful
children, was killed in a tragic accident. His two
children, Howito and Sammy, were his pride and joy. A
tribute to Howie Font is on-line and provides
additional information about Howie, his extended family, and his
children. A college trust fund has been established
for the benefit of Howito and Sammy. A family acquaintance
provided this description of Howie Font, "Howie was the best
Dad I ever met, the best at taking care of his
children." Please take a moment and visit Howie's
Web. Click on the link above to go there.
Alumni Website Wins International Award!
April 29, 1998 - Today,
the EA Alumni Website won its first international award for
excellence. Notification was received via email today from
Sunshine On-Line, a group headquartered in New Zealand, with
locations around the globe. Here is what they wrote:
"Congratulations -
your school website has won the Sunshine Top Site Award! Sunshine
Online selects quality educational websites from around the world
for this award.
Add your site to our
international school directory. Join our many online
projects. E-mail us today at teach@sunshine.co.nz. We want to connect to your classes.
To add the Sunshine
Award to your site and link with Sunshine Online, go to
http://www.sunshine.co.nz/award.html now!
Anita Aspinall
Online Development Editor
Fax: +649 525-7904
Phone: +649 525-3575
URL: http://www.sunshine.co.nz"
EARJ Website Delayed
We inquired recently of
Jerry Carlson at EA about the arrival of the long anticipated
official EA website. Mr. Carlson reported the following:
"We are in the
process of installing a microwave antenna between EARJ and PUC
[Universidade Catolica], which will give us a 2MB bandwidth
connection to the Internet. That could be up in six
weeks. We are currently rebuilding the school, floor by
floor, and we are now working on Block Seven. The antenna
attaches to Block Seven. There is a hub there that connects
the school network to the servers in Block Five. The feed
from the microwave will go into the hub in Block Seven, through
the fiber optics to Block Five, and back out to all those in the
school connected to the network.
The bad news is that
while they are rebuilding the second floor on Block Seven, there
is no connection between the soon to be existing microwave and
the network. THEN . . . after they finish with second
floor, Block Seven, they plan to rebuild the floor in Block Five
that contains the servers. The entire network will be down
during that time. Everything is planned to be finished by
September. That's the short answer.
When we get the internet
into the school the teachers will have addresses. Some have
them now but we have no official (or unofficial list). At
the moment there is no receptacle for general e-mail delivery at
the school."
We also inquired about
obtaining an address for Cabral, and an address for the publisher
for the old EA yearbooks. We are awaiting that information.
Thanks, Jerry, from all
of us out here in cyberspace!
Addresses Alumni
Back on January 8, 1998,
we heard from Mr. Dennis Klumpp, the current headmaster of
EA. I wrote him inquiring whether he had seen the EA
Alumni website (this one), and this is what he said:
"Subject: Re: ECIS
Website Misspellings Date: Thu, 08 Jan 199819:19:54 -0200 From:
Dennis Klumpp <dennis@unisys.com.br>Organization: EARJ
Dear Mr. Stirling,
Have been away on
business and am in Rio for but a few days before leaving again
for some vacation time. Thanks for your recent e-mail. I
have indeed seen your EA Alumni Page and congratulate you for
your initiative. It is always good to see EARJ alumni
members doing their part to keep the school's banner flying high.
You are probably also
aware that there are several present and former students who have
created homepages for the school. Recently the Board
of Directors approved the creation of a more formal Alumni
Association and coordinator position. As this association
and new position take definition, I will be in touch with
you. Your input and suggestions would be most welcome.
Additionally, an
official school created homepage is presently being
drafted. This homepage will attempt to consolidate
information of all existing homepages. Again, your
assistance in this initiative will be welcomed. Lastly, the
Office of Overseas Schools (AO/S) in Washington D.C. is putting
together a worldwide directory of AO/S sponsored schools
Sorry for the delay in
responding and thanks for your taking the time to write us.
Dennis M. Klumpp,
[How about that,
From the Classroom
Great news for all EA
Friends! Dulce Simas, class of '81 and current teacher at
EA, has offered to keep us posted on what's happening at
EA! Below is her first contribution. Look for more on
this page in the future.
"Actually, I didn't
'officially' hear about the page at school. I have no idea
how many people at school know about it. I was at a
friend's house - who happens to be both an EA alumnus and the
present EA Drama teacher, Vania Freire - when she told me about
it and we went to it right away. This is my 1st week on
internet and I was delighted to see your page! It looks
beautiful and I will definitely spread the word!
As to the 'fofocas,' we can
start right away: Ms. Collares, or Naná, as we call her, is
still elected 'teacher of the year' year after year. I was
impressed, but not surprised, to see how often she was mentioned
in the alumni letters. I have to let her know.
Festas Juninas
haven't been all that great, lately. Our teenagers see it
as something childish and not "cool" enough. BUT,
we do hope they will eventually realize they are missing a lot of
fun. The Halloween Party sponsored by the Senior class will
be held this Saturday, Oct. 25, from 12 to 5 pm. Anyone
close enough to come is invited! I really wish more people
get to know and write to your page. I would love to
get in touch with long lost friends and ex-students! Plus,
all the alumni letters are so interesting. Thanks a lot for
writing back! I'll let you choose the best channel
for my contributions!"
and Be Part of the Fun On-Line!
We are always seeking
updated information on our EA friends. Send us all known
names, addresses, phone numbers, and any other relevant
information you have! Make the time to follow our links,
and please send us your old and new photos of EA and EA
events! Send address corrections and updates when you
spot an error or old information! And if you spot a broken
link, tell me!
For the record, your
names, addresses, and phone numbers are already part of the
public domain and public record. Your information is
available to anyone willing to spend the time looking on the
Internet and through various public agencies (even UNLISTED phone
numbers). If your name appears on this site, rest assured
it appears elsewhere on the Internet, in city directories, motor
vehicle departments, utility listings, voter registration
records, property and tax rolls, and court records, just to name
a few! We're just trying to make it a little easier for old
friends to get together. Chill out and enjoy!
Official EA will soon be
on-line. The date keeps getting pushed back (are you
surprised?), but it is coming soon. Georgia Aliano reports
on her page (linked under EAWeb) that she has seen the page and
it is very nice. Check with Roberto Pons at Webfolio,
who is putting it together. Its arrival is forecasted at
this site: http://www.desksys.com.br/webfolio.htm. Check it out. We will always
remain the Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro Alumni Page.
We're having far too much fun to go quietly into the night.
Go to the
EA Web for Individual Class Pages and
Their News