Times, people, and
places change, but memories of old friends and good times remain in
our hearts and minds. Saudade . . . é isso que a gente sente. Visit
and relive some of your "Wonder Years" and help bring everyone
together again. In the process, we hope to make you all a little
bit happier. Welcome to the Escola Americana's Alumni homepage!
Sejam bemvindos! Contribute your saudades and make this a better page! Send us
your letters, lembranças, photos, names of all EA friends, and your
location. Visit the EA 2000 Reunion pages (Miami and
Rio)! Watch
videos of the fun at the Coral Gables Reunion
(July 11 -13, 2003)! Valeu, Miriam! Find
your old friends on the Escola
Americana dor Rio de Janeiro Facebook site. Tell your friends
to join today!

Rua General Urquiza
223, Leblon (1940)
Following its
1937 birth in an old
house in Ipanema
(link is to Official EA - use "back" button), in 1940 the
school moved to the above location in Leblon (see live Leblon webcam), a suburb of Rio (See clickable maps). The Escola Americana (EA) became another jewel of the Cidade
Maravilhosa, a
city already famous for its beautiful geographical setting, Carnaval , the Samba, and Macumba. This is how EA still appeared
in 1965. In 1970 the Leblon campus was vacated for
the jungle hills of Gavea. The arrival of other American Schools
throughout Brazil caused many to refer to EA as EARJ. Que saudade dessa escola.

Rua General Urquiza
Leblon (1962)
The Escola
Americana today is nestled in a lush green jungle in the suburb of Gávea. The
modern architecture, pool and tropical grounds give EA the appearance of a country
club. You are the only thing missing. Cadê você, heim?

Here are the names
of old friends, photos of the school over the years, Cabral, lyrics to the school song , and news of events. You can even visit Ipanema, Arpoador, Copacabana, Leme, Barra da Tijuca, and Sao Conrado again. Visit the home of Guarana (Antarctica) and CHAT (Bate Papo) with EA friends! See Rio's downtown museums! Check out the EA artifacts page. Check out your friends at The Buttes Reunion in Tempe, Arizona. Read alumni letters from old friends, and instantly publish your own message
on the EA Web by clicking on Guestbook! More Guestbook messages here! It doesn't get any easier than
this, people!
Remember an important
or not so important event that happened while at EA? Then add
it to our EA Time Line Book. Don't be shy! Browse old Guestbook messages
in the guestbook archives. Looking for an old friend? Ask the Webmaster. If that doesn't get you results, we have just added
a bulletin board! Post a message for the whole world to see and
comment on! Want to tell the world what EA did for you? Go ahead, we all want to know.
Wonder whatever happened to the SS Brasil and the SS Argentina? Wonder no more. Check out the new Ms. Collares and Mrs. Stanton pages. The Carioca yearbooks, thanks to Brian
Paren, have now appeared online! Remember what you did on
your last night in Rio? Tell us all about it! Looking to buy Brazilian
food or Guaraná? Check
it out.
Thanks to Dave McGuerty and Walt Perkins, we have over 7,300 names on file. We are always seeking
updated information. Send us all known EA friends! Make
sure you take the time to follow our links, and please take the time
to send us old and new photos of EA! Send address corrections
and updates! Welcome back to EA! Finally, we can
all now listen to Brazilian TV and radio while you browse this and any other website!
Check it out! There are over 1000 stations (radio and TV) to choose from. Read the Jornal do Brasil and Brazilian Magazines. Finally, check out the Rio Guide to get a feel for what's going on! Click
here for a great map of Rio in Adobe Acrobat format (1.2MB
- worth the wait). Make sure to visit and become a regular
visitor to the EA Web, an ever growing collection of alumni web sites dedicated
to that wonderful place over the rainbow, the Escola Americana do
Rio de Janeiro! Here are more great maps
of Rio!
Serious educators should see
the Educational Technology links. The list is huge and is
constantly being updated. It is one of the
most useful and complete on the planet! It is ALL
here! It was prepared by Deborah Stirling, Ph.D., who also appears here.
[Note: some links on this page
go to Ipanema.com
, which covers everything about Rio in great
detail. Please visit their site. Other sites
above are links to Professor Koreisha's meta site on Brasil. Please check them out. If a
web page does not have the EA Index
on the top of the page, the site is probably the web site
of someone else. On such pages, remember to use
your "BACK" button to return to EA!
Please explore the above sites, as well as the EA Web.
Then remember to return to EA's Alumni Page! We thank
Ipanema.com and Professor Koreisha for their sites!]

Important Links to Help
Matar Saudades
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This website was created February 6, 1997
by Bruce Stirling, EA '70 Last update 8-3-03